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HomeEventsDanube Tour - Day 11 Vac - Sturovo - Esztergom (D 31mi.) SS

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Danube Tour - Day 11 Vac - Sturovo - Esztergom (D 31mi.) SS

The picturesque Danube Bend, where the river turns south, offers us an incomparable panorama on today's ride. The river carves its way between hills and mountains until it is divided by the island of Szentendre. The jewel of the Danube Bend is Visegrad. The largest church in Hungary is located at our ride's end, Esztergom, which is the seat of the Archbishop of the Hungarian Catholic Church. We will have time to visit the church before boarding the ship.
Tuesday, August 13, 2024, 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM
Vac - Ezstergom

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Event Contact(s):
+31625107863 (p)
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