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HomeEventsMaidu Park to Starbucks in Folsom C+32

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Maidu Park to Starbucks in Folsom C+32

Bike friendly streets plus 8 miles of trail. Coffee/snack stop at Starbucks with patio just over halfway through.
*Starbucks Folsom-2A (CCW, via Sailor Bar Park) C+ 32.2 miles +1663 ft

There's a gravel section at mile 9.3. Feel free to detour this by turning left onto Winding Way at mile 9.0 and then right onto Hazel at the end of Winding Way. There is a RWGPS cue for this at mile 9.0.
No minimum (or maximum) pace.
Sunday, August 4, 2024, 8:00 AM until 12:00 PM
Maidu Regional Park. Enter Park, then jog right/left into parking lot to park and start
1550 Maidu Drive
Roseville, CA  95661

Additional Info:
Event Contact(s):
Peter Webb
916-622-5846 (c)
Coffee Ride
Registration is not Required
Payment In Full In Advance Only