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HomeEventsE/27--Barrio to Whitey's Jolly Kone (JP)

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E/27--Barrio to Whitey's Jolly Kone (JP)

The route stops in old West Sacramento for a blast from the past, Whitey's Jolly Kone. This hamburger/hot dog/fries stand may have opened in 1963 but it's got a real '40s-'50s vibe. What make it really stand out are its unusual milkshake flavors, including banana, blackberry, Butterfinger, butterscotch, cherry and peanut butter. There are also sundaes of various types and soft serve cones. Also available are a number of burgers, dogs, burritos, tacos and tostadas and a handful of side dishes. Health food it ain't, but the menu will take you back to the days when you could pig out on this stuff and not gain an ounce. This is classified as a lunch ride, but do what you want. Since this joint opens at 11, the ride always starts at 9:30 so we can arrive slightly early to get in line. Ride starts from the NE corner of the parking lot. Route:
Note: Registration deadline is 12 hours prior to the ride start.
Friday, August 02, 2024, 9:30 AM until 12:30 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada) (UTC-08:00)
Barrio (South Hills)
1188 35th Ave
Sacramento, CA  
Additional Info:
Event Contact(s):
Lunch Ride
Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
No Fee